Mediation for Divorce / Dissolution of Domestic Partnership

Mediation offers greater potential for compromise and nuanced solutions to divorce-related conflict.

Mediation divorce is an efficient and creative alternative to adversarial litigation for divorcing couples. In mediation, parties advocate for themselves directly, using the mediator as a neutral facilitator to guide the process and ensure both parties’ interests are considered during the negotiations.

My particular style of mediation emphasizes informed decision-making and requires parties to commit to negotiating in good faith and with transparency. Good faith negotiation means letting go of a win-lose framework and using values of equity and mutual respect to reach an agreement that feels acceptable to both parties. I want my mediation clients to look back on the process with confidence that they acted with integrity and honesty. I offer a structured process and guide clients through the various legal and procedural requirements to ensure whatever agreements made will pass judicial scrutiny.

My general assumption is that parties are best equipped to make decisions for themselves and that turning to a judge to decide for them should be the last resort. Parties who determine mediation is not a good fit, but who would nonetheless like to retain the privacy, agency, and amiability that mediation offers, may be a good fit for a Collaborative Divorce.